On the 29 March 2019, residents of FHD became aware that mature trees outside No 22 (Faraway) were being cut down. These trees were outside the property border, on the bridleway verge. The property had recently been sold and according to the tree cutter, the new owner had instructed him to cut them down.
The owner and another gentleman appeared outside the property. These were the same men who had been seen earlier that day flying a drone up and down the North side of Farr Hall Drive over all the houses and gardens. When asked why he had cut the trees down, he said that they belonged to him and they were diseased and a danger. When he was challenged over these points by the group of residents who had now gathered, he added that the trees were not attractive and also said that as the previous owner had cut the grass verge of the bridleway, the trees now belonged to him.
These statements were refuted by the residents and it was obvious from looking at the sawn trunks, that the trees were perfectly healthy.
Phone calls from a number of concerned householders followed and the Wirral Council Tree Preservation Officer attended without delay. It seemed clear that the trees were healthy before being cut down. Immediately following this an emergency preservation order was made for the whole of the Drive and its properties.
Recently, the owner has put in for planning permission to demolish the thatched cottage to build six flats and a car park for nine cars with a new entrance.